Friday, September 5, 2014

Karibu Kenya!

Wow. I can’t believe I’m actually posting this blog from Nairobi, Kenya. I will admit that while preparations for this semester have been in the works since January , it didn’t really hit me until boarding the plane from Amsterdam to Nairobi that it was really happening. I considered that the “point of no return”: as soon as I got on that plane there was no turning back. Since leaving Illinois on Monday afternoon and arriving in Nairobi Tuesday evening so much has happened. When I look at the calendar I see I have only been here a few days, but when I look at what I’ve learned it seems I’ve been here much longer. It all has been nothing but amazing. Those who are familiar with study abroad will describe this as the “honeymoon phase” and inevitably this feeling will change as time goes on. That aside I want to update you all on everything – starting with my travel.

The Plane Ride: Wow. My first flight was Chicago to Amsterdam, with a fly time of 7 hours and 5 minutes, I had a 4 hour layover, then a 7 hour 30 minute flight from Amsterdam to Nairobi. Flying KLM was great and they just kept feeding us! In Amsterdam I was fortunate enough to meet up with 10 of my peers and we were all on the same flight together. This made the time in Amsterdam fly by and made the airport much more enjoyable. After all this travel we finally landed, grabbed our carry-ons and bounded down the steps to board the bus to take us to Customs and Baggage Claim. Little did I know the adventure to our apartments was just beginning. We first waited in a Visa line for about twenty minutes (although it felt like forever), we then proceeded to baggage claim and finally to exchange our US Dollars for Kenyan Shillings. After all of this we made our way to the exit where we glanced around for the sign reading “AU Abroad”, when all of a sudden we see it jumping up and down in the back of a large crowd. As soon as we saw the sign we were quickly approached by Victor who (in what is now known as his standard walk) hurried us to the van. Our luggage was loaded, and so were we! Off to our apartments we went. I felt like a kid in a candy shop – gazing in wonder at this new country I just landed in. A few of the highlights:
  •       It was quite cool actually (temperature that is, although Kenya is a cool country). About 60-65 degrees. It’s only gotten colder since – more on that later!
  •       The stoplights here countdown to when they will switch – really interesting idea.
  •       Traffic. Traffic. Traffic. Even at 9pm on a Tuesday there was traffic. I never could prepare myself for what 8:30am on a weekday was like.
  •       Driving on the left side with the driver on the right side of the car. (Today I rode in the front left side – whaaaat?)
Arriving at our apartment we were greeted by security then shown to our rooms. Our room is
incredibly spacious and because there are only three males on this trip, we each get our own room!
Mine is nice and cozy plus there’s a light switch above the bed making reading/journaling before I
go to bed even more convenient!

      We decided to unpack, search for the other rooms (they’re around different parts of the apartment building) and help the last few folks move in. After all this I was ready for bed and prepared for our 8am Orientation kickoff with the apartment complex. My first shower was most certainly less than delightful, it was mainly filled with me jumping in and out of ice cold water. It wasn’t until the next morning we came to the full realization we would have to turn the water heater at least 20 minutes before we wanted hot water. After my 'shower' I dozed off to the sound of barking dogs (quickly becoming a midnight tradition) and woke up at 6 the next morning to the sounds of chirping birds. Time to begin orientation!

Fun Fact: The outlets in our apartment complex have on/off switches. That way you can leave cords and appliances plugged in but don’t have to worry about them using electricity.

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